Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Campus Archaeology

On our first dig of the new semester we are in the northeast parcel of campus, between a large parallel mound which could be a burial mound, and an intricate building, possibly some sort of temple for religious or social gatherings, now used to store automobiles.

Primary excavation revealed what some in the party considered a shrine, while yet others posited it as an altar. Based on evidence from residue, meats, corn, and suspicious-looking round, bread-like objects with tomato, onion, and peppers were offered.

We have named this excavation Sally 1 because it was she, attempting to bury a portion of the crust of a meatball sub, who called it to our attention.

This campus appears ripe with dump sites for other artifacts. At an adjacent site, less than ten meters west, we uncovered a partial plaque, Gift of Class of, appearing from its component parts to be Stone Age or more recent.


John Eaton said...

Dear Professor Lowenkopf,

The Millerian artifact Sally discovered in Mound 27 apparently reads,

"Pound pastrami, can kraut, six bagels--bring home for Emma."

John Eaton
Miner Center for Naciremic Studies
Boca Zamboni, FL

Pod said...

am i missing something?

i read 'beyond black', and loved half of it, then i felt it went a little bit 'off'...i cannae think of anything more intelligent to say



Lori Witzel said...

OMG! Party at the dig site!

John, you rendered me stupified with giggles!

Pod, ditto on the "cannae think of anything more intelligent to say"

Shelly, I found a similarly mysterious artifact at our South Austin dig site.

In a ziggurat-like structure (curious markings about Exit and Entrance -- may have religious significance) I found a scroll fragment which read on one side:
and on the obverse:

Evidence of an Tex-eleusinian mystery cult? Perhaps.
