Thursday, September 13, 2007

Ten Things We Cannot Do Without

1. Australian Cattle Dog

2. Thelonious Monk

3. Blintzes

4. The Sunday New York Times crossword puzzle

5. Pinot noir

6. Moleskine notebooks

7. KC barbecue

8. Gerbera daisies

9. The Well-Tempered Clavichord

10. The Big Sur Coastline

lagniape: 11. blogging


lettuce said...


moleskine notebooks?

John Eaton said...

11 a. Malbec
11 b. More pinot
11 c. Good pencils for #4


John :)

Lori Witzel said...

I'd add:

12. Your lists.

Winging away...

Grandmama Carla said...

Rock City OEY beans, fresh roasted, fresh ground, French press

Anonymous said...

Blintzes: where to get good ones?!
Cow dogs: I've promised myself - I'm on my last one! @#$?%