At its deepest roots, impatience is a hunger or eagerness, a roil of emotion you suffer while waiting for a particular event to begin--or end.
Impatience calls into play the transition from "Are we there yet?" to "How much more of this do we have to suffer?" Impatience, which you drew upon in large measure from your father, reminds you of him at the ceremony in which his youngest granddaughter was being married to the affable Japanese national, Noriasu Tani, where representatives of the Jewish faith and the Buddhist faith spoke in collegial harmony to the point where your father could be heard to stage whisper, "How do you say enough in Japanese?" This subtext of course is "When do we eat?" Thus impatience morphs into an appetite; something to do or not do, something to eat.
This particular emotional state has a particular application for you each time you pick up a book or journal. Early in your reading life, you were impatient for story to begin, suffering long introductory passages with the same impatience you suffered what you had come to recognize as obligatory romance scenes in the motion pictures you fancied. You itched for something to happen to someone or for someone to set a plan or venture into motion. Along with your reading tastes, this impatience evolved to the point where you became impatient when the story ended before you wished.
As so many of your traits, abilities, and interests evolved in ways you begin to think are measurable, your inner reservoir of impatience asserted its own maturity. Now, it paces about with the nervous energy of wondering when you are going to get to the day's writing, made impatient by the quotidian necessities you sometimes have to confront first. There are also residual moments of impatience when you become impatient with the output of a particular day. You call that writing, your impatient self says to your more languorous self.
How much, your impatient self demands, do we have to put up with before you are firmly established within a paragraph or a page or two or three? Are we there yet?
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Are we there yet?
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